Zero Kiryu Bites Yuki Cross - Vampire Knight -->


Kuran Kaname - Vampire Knight

Sunday 14 August 2011

Grudge 4 will be released sometime in the summer of 2012.

The film opens with the autopsy of Naoko, the sister of Kayako. Before they can begin, Naoko's stomach begins bubbling and the medical examiner watches in horror how Naoko's spirit comes out of her body and approaches him. Awesome! We then cut to two backpackers Diddy Waterson and Trevor Kingsley. Trevor wakes up of a cracking sound and suddenly sees Kayako's reflection. As Diddy and Trevor try to escape from the locked door, Trevor begins acting strangly,stuttering and foaming at the mouth.Kayako's onryo then leaves his body,instantly killing him in the process, giving Diddy the chance to escape.
A few months after the killings,Josh Exile and his friends Frank,Lauren,Leslie,and Richard enter the Saeki House. They suddenly see a bloody Kayako crawling towards them. During the event,Leslie is killed by Kayako when she can't open the exit door. Frank,Lauren, Richard and Josh decide to never talk about it again.That night, Josh has dreams about his friends' deaths, as well as dreams about Diddy and Allison's deaths(from the second movie). Josh discovers that this is no hoax and that they're really in danger.
In the meantime, Det. Nakawasha and his female partner Det. Nairobi investigate Leslie's body found in the Saeki House. Nakawasha and Nairobi suspect a connection between Leslie's murder and the Saeki killings. Soon, Det. Nairobi begins to have nightmares about the Saeki Story. Det. Nakawasha interrogates Aisha, the best friend of Kayako before she turned into a spirit. She tells that she didn't became an Onryo spirit after she was murdered by Takeo. It turns out that she was able after she spiritually killed Arbaud, a man who killed Toshio's little sister, a baby. She was able to change into a spirit when she killed him.
In the meantime, Josh discovers one by one that all his friends: Frank,Lauren,and Richard are terrorized by the curse. One by one when Josh saves them, they die in a way like the elements of Earth. Josh then has to save Diddy and Allison, who are locked in the Chicago apartment building from the second movie.
After Det. Nairobi begins to act strangly she is send to a medical facility, but Det. Nakawasha believes that she herself is haunted by the curse. He finally goes to Chicago as he hears about a Japanese immigrant (Allison). In the meantime, Allison and Diddy are trapped in the apartment room of Allison's dead parents. When Josh opens the door the curse will gather there and they will all die. Although Diddy tries to hold to the door to lock, he is crushed to death after the door is opened in front of him. Allison has her tongue ripped out by Kayako, killing her. Josh slowly becomes insane.Before Allison dies,she tells Josh she loves him.Josh replies saying "I felt the same way about you..."
It is then clearly that The Grudge 3 and 4 take place at the same time. Police forcements have arrived and Rose and Lisa are in the ambulance bay. Det. Nakwasha hears the voices and sees Lisa trying to kill Rose with an axe, but Nakawasha shoots and kills her.
We then see an insane Josh crawling on the floor, covered in blood after a piece of the wooden door has come in his throat. Josh sees Kayako's reflection approaching him who locks the door, leaving him to bleed to death.
The police has arrived and all the bodies from the third and fourth movie have been picked up, Det. Nakawasha is thanked by his partners of saving Rose, who is the only survivor of the massacre. Det. Nakawasha then realizes that the curse has gathered together in the apartment and last sees Rose transforming for a second into Kayako, realizing that Rose now houses Kayako's spirit.

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